Returning ApplicationIf you are re-applying to the chicago plan please complete the form below: Name * First Name Last Name Email * Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### Birthdate MM DD YYYY Do you currently attend a congregation of Holy Trinity Church? * Downtown North Side No Other If you selected other for congregation, what church do you attend/ Marital status * Single Married Widowed Divorced Separated Children's Names (if applicable) Education * Please select your current status within The Chicago Plan * C1 C2 I1 I2 R1 R2 Interest and Evaluation Do you wish to re-apply to the Chicago Plan in order to be considered for the next level of training? If yes, please state why you wish to continue. If no, please state why you do not wish to do so and please answer the last question on evaluating the Chicago plan on this form. * What have you already completed in your ministry description? What is left to complete? What will it take to complete your remaining tasks? * What aspect of your ministry description are you finding most beneficial? Why? * What have you learned this year about your calling to, and fitness for, full-time ministry? (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1) * What have you learned so far about your strengths? Your weaknesses? * What have you learned this year about the Bible? * What have you learned this year about the Church and church ministry? * What areas of ministry focus would you desire for next year? Why? * Please evaluate the effectiveness of the Chicago Plan as a ministry training scheme. What would you change? What would you add? What would you leave behind? * Signature * Date * MM DD YYYY Thank you!